Google News Data
Fetch news articles based on queries and date ranges to stay updated on relevant topics or trends.
Use Cases
- Market Analysis: Track news articles for industry trends.
- Brand Monitoring: Stay updated on mentions of your company or competitors.
Configuration Fields
- Description: Enter search terms to find news articles.
- Example: “AI advancements” or “global market trends.”
- Required: Yes
- Description: Select the timeframe for news articles.
- Options: Last 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 90 days
- Required: Yes
- Description: Specify a location to filter news results (optional).
- Example: “New York” or “London.”
- Required: No
Output Variable Name
- Description: Assign a variable name to store the news data.
- Example: “news_data” or “articles.”
- Validation: Only letters, numbers, and underscores (_) are allowed.
- Required: Yes