
Make RESTful API calls to external endpoints for data retrieval or updates.

Use Cases

  • Custom Integrations: Connect workflows with external applications or services.
  • Data Retrieval: Fetch data from custom APIs for use in workflows.

Configuration Fields



  • Description: Select the HTTP method to use.
  • Options: POST, GET, PUT, HEAD
  • Required: Yes

Headers (JSON)

  • Description: Specify request headers in JSON format.
  • Example: '{"Authorization": "Bearer token"}'
  • Required: No

Body (JSON)

  • Description: Enter the request body in JSON format.
  • Example: {"name": "New Project"}
  • Required: No

Output Variable Name

  • Description: Assign a variable name to store the API response.
  • Example: “api_response” or “rest_data.”
  • Validation: Only letters, numbers, and underscores (_) are allowed.
  • Required: Yes